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The Bachelor – “Is This It?”

I love when I get a chance to work with Moonhead Industries! Earlier this year I got a chance to work with them to write a script for an aired commercial for the Bachelor. It’s always a fun challenge to work with unscripted content to create a script that fits into the 30 second time constraints and promotes the strongest parts of an upcoming episode.

Here’s the original script that was submitted:

JOEY ITM: I just feel very lucky [01:13:54:04]

(Romantic moments between Joey and the women) [01:12:45:16] [01:18:17:11] [01:37:39:01] [01{55:55:13] [02:08:18:23]

JOEY ITM: The women here have expressed they were falling for me… [01:01:43:18]

(Rachel and Joey together, happy) [01:46:31:14] [01:31:18:18]

RACHEL: I think my feelings will only grow stronger seeing him with my family. [01:36:24:22]

JOEY ITM: And I’m not taking hometowns lightly in any way. [01:04:13:20]

(Joey sits across from Daisy at dinner) [01:23:13:19]

JOEY: I want you to feel comfortable with the idea of me meeting your family. [01:24:08:15]

(Daisy looks down, uncomfortable) [01:23:58:14]

JOEY ITM: But I’m afraid of looking like a fool for consistently investing in someone that might just leave tomorrow. [01:56:29:15]

(Maria and Joey sit on the couch, he looks broken) [01:50:46:10]

MARIA: I can’t hear that you feel just as good or better with other women, I just can’t do it anymore. [01:50:06:00]

(Maria cries in a hallway)

MARIA: I don’t like that I can’t say he’s mine. [01:51:57:16]

JOEY: Is this it? Because it feels like it might be. [01:50:33:22]

(Upset, Maria nods as she considers his question) [01:50:42:13]

(Music swells as we cliffhang to END PAGE)

And, you can watch the finished and aired commercial below to see how the script evolved over the editing process to hit the sweet spot!

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